STUDY 研究與創作
詩文創作 流浪 Wandering
2011-09-12 / 文:Paul Tseng

流浪 Wandering
不要問我為什麼去流浪 Please don’t ask me why I wondered
因為我在找一個 For I was seeking
更美的家鄉 a more beautiful hometown
雲為什麼流浪 Why clouds are wandering
因為風在找他的家鄉 Because the wind is seeking his own hometown
風為什麼流浪 Why the wind is wandering
因為海浪不住腳 For sea waves can’t stop on their way
問我為什麼流浪 You ask why I wandered
因為我在找一個更美的家鄉 For I was seeking a more beautiful hometown
Paul Tseng 告別高雄30年之後,已然定居新莊12年 Bidding my farewell to my first hometown Kaohsiung for 30 years, and I have lived in my second hometown Shinjuang for 12 yeas.