STUDY 研究與創作

研究著作 The Theological Importance of Prof. Uwe’s Christian Poems

2022-01-28 / 文:Paul Tseng

The Theological Importance of Prof. Uwe’s Christian Poems

Paul Tseng (Tseng Kuei-chi), Ph.D.
National Kaohsiung Normal University Assistant professor at
Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences,
Taipei University of Technology and Open University, New Taipei City,


Prof. Heinz-Uwe Haus is an internationally renowned director and is considered one of the world’s leading authorities on Bertolt Brecht. Besides his theatrical achievements, he proves to have a profound knowledge of Christian doctrines, which is significantly well portrayed in his Christian poems. His poetic lines unveil the essential spirit of the New Testament. In this paper, a few poems are chosen to illustrate his theological thoughts, which are intricately connected with the core value of the New Testament, including Jesus’ crucifixion, salvation, man’s real nature, fundamental faith, and so on.
