A Hermeneutical Reading of Paradise Lost: Rebellion And Obedience (2009)
1. Major Themes in Milton’s Paradise Lost: A Hermeneutic Approach (2008,虹橋書店出版)
2. Song of Salvation (2008, a small collection of my English poems)
1. Nietzsche and Jameson on Temporality: on the Axis of the Word (空大學報)
2. Hermeneutics: An Introduction into the Origin, the Hermeneutical Circle, the Application, and Metacriticism (空大學報)
3. Paradise Lost: Fore-structure, Structure, and De-structure (空大學報)
4. Philosophical Thinking in The French Lieutenant’s Woman (2007,陸軍官校研討會論文)
5. 2010年8月出席在土耳其安卡拉舉行的ISSEI (International Society for the Study of European Idea)
發表論文 Nietzsche and Jameson on Temporality: On the Axis of the Word從神學的角度初探尼采和詹明信的後現代時間觀 (主辦之The European Legacy 曾獲評為全美前十大學刊)
6. 失樂園新詮: 背叛與順服 輔仁大學外語學院 西洋古典暨中世紀文化學程 研討會 (2010)
7. 在科見美語雙月刊 闢有新聞英語 及英文作文之專欄