STUDY 研究與創作
詩文創作 活在一種的浪漫裡
2011-09-12 / 文:Paul Tseng
活在一種的浪漫裡-給愛妻 春梅 Living in One Sort of Romanticism
--to my beloved wife, Spring
活在一種的浪漫裡 Living in one sort of romanticism,
我的愛妻 我的白鴿 for my beloved wife, my white dove.
一種的凝重 A sort of seriousness,
一種的深情 a kind of deep feelings,
深深的愛意 Deep love in days of no regrets.
在一種的淡然裡 In some sort of lightness,
在刻意的嚴肅的 in deliberate seriousness,
對您的敬意 My respect is for you,
與愛裡 My love is for you.
深深地愛你 I deeply love you,
此生相隨相依裡 and I will be with you all my life.
一種傲世的漠然 In a proud strangeness,
眾裡尋她千百度 I look for you in many,
而驀然有妳 suddenly finding you.
是一種生生世世的幸福 It’s a life-long blessing,
在一種一世的執著 an everlasting stubbornness.
相依 Being with you
與永不`退色的浪漫裡 in this forever colorful romanticism.
在夢裡 In dreams,
在醒不過來的春意裡 in a spring that would forever fall asleep.
愛您的 Paul Tseng Your love, Paul Tseng