STUDY 研究與創作

詩文創作 主,祢竟然在乎我

2011-09-12 / 文:Paul Tseng

主,祢竟然在乎我 Lord, You Surprisingly Care about Me
在煙塵中 In smoke and smog
我不知道我是誰 I don’t who I am,
我來自何方 又將歸向何處 Where I came from, and where I will go.

而祢曾經佇足 However, you’ve ever paused,
悄悄地經過 silently passing by
告訴我 祢為我捨命 telling me that you died for me,
背負十架 bearing the cross,
因為祢在乎我 for you really care about me.

卑微如許 As humble and little
一粒煙塵 as smog and smoke
在這不起眼的世界 in this obscure world

而白馬過隙中 Like a white horse flying by,
祢悄然佇足 You silently paused,
只為告訴我 just telling me
孩子 我愛你 Little child, I love you,
我真地在乎你 I really care about you.

Paul Tseng Dec.30,2010
