STUDY 研究與創作

詩文創作 感恩 Thanksgiving

2011-09-12 / 文:Paul Tseng

感恩 Thanksgiving

主, 感謝祢在每個風雨的日子裡 Lord, thank you, on each windy and rainy day,
在每片蒼白的記憶裡 in each piece of pale memories
每步路近十架 every step nearing the cross
每滴眼淚 歷煎熬 every tear filled with pains.
主 感謝祢在每個歲末 Lord, thank you, at the end of every year,
每一天 每一時刻 Every day, every moment,
祢施恩的手永不離 Never leaving are you hands of grace.
總是相親 Always nearing me,
釘痕的手 時時相倚 are the hands crucified.

魂的破碎 My soul is broken,
靈的相親 leading my spirit to near you.
地的連結斷裂 The bondage of the earth is so torn apart,
天的香氣相瀰 that the aroma of heaven can be spread.

主 感謝祢 Lord, thank you
在每一天 天路的歷程 on each day, the progress of the heavenly travel,
有祢相依 You are close to me,
永不分離 never leaving me.

今生今世與祢相依I will be in a union with you forever.

Paul Tseng Dec.29.2010
於養病中書寫 being recovered from my illness
