STUDY 研究與創作

詩文創作 給我一點陽光:願妳平安 Hola, My Beloved

2010-09-06 / 文:Paul Tseng

給我一點陽光:願妳平安 Hola, My Beloved

--collective love for the past,
on the wing,
and in the wind. Paul Tseng Nov. 13, 2008

只要給我一點陽光 To me a little sunshine
一點點的愛意 a little bit love;
在我的心裡 in my deep heart,
就不再有嘆息 will there be no sigh.

只要給我一點訊息 Give me a message,
告訴我妳在哪裡 telling me abut your address.
從來不怨妳 Never did I complain about you,
只是心隨著妳到天際 My soul has been flying with you around the world

妳還好嗎 Hola,
美麗燦爛的容顏 beautiful and flowery faces,
凝在心底 being staying on the lake of my heart.
是永恆的醉意 I will never wake up,
醉在少年的輕狂裡 for soaking myself underneath your past love.
願妳平安 願妳平安 Peace to you, my beloved.
灑落一地的冬陽 The winter sunshine
使我醉在回憶的心底 has been making me look back to
和心碎裡 the unforgotten footsteps of our youthful days.

P.S. As a preacher of the Word, I send my divine and best regards to you.
I heart has died to the fancy world. Any need, please let me know for I will sincerely and earnestly pray for you in order that God’s good will can be completed, and His glory can be manifested in evil and sinful generations.
Merry Christmas

Preacher, Paul Tseng 曾貴祺
Mobile Phone: 0922751776 E-mail: ahkue@ms27.hinet. net
