STUDY 研究與創作
論文發表 02.Contents
2010-09-06 / 文:Ahkue
Introduction : In the Beginning Is the Word 5
I. In the beginning is the Word/Logos 5
II. Fore-structure 7
A. Heidegger’s concept of fore-structure 7
B. Unfolding of the reader’s horizon 8
i. Chapter 1 of Genesis: creation 9
ii. Chapter 2 of Genesis: love, marriage, and sex 9
iii. Chapter 3 of Genesis: sin and salvation 11
iv. The Book of Isaiah 11
III. Fusion of horizons 13
Chapter One : the Sphere And Application
of Hermeneutics 17
I. Introduction 17
II. Its origin 18
III. A concise historical survey of major hermeneutic theorists 20
IV. Discussion of the “hermeneutical circle” 27
V. The Word as judgment 35
Chapter Two : Paradise Lost in the Horizon of Salvation 41
I. The loss of Paradise 41
II. The central theme manifested in the first 26 lines in Book One 42
III. The central theme 43
A. In structure building 43
B. In imagery 50
Chapter Three : Paradise Lost in the Horizon of
Old Testament Prophesy 53
I. Two prophetic poets 53
II. A redemption story 55
III. Milton’s Satan: rebellion 61
IV. Christ’s obedience 66
V. Milton’s Adam and Eve 67
VI. A favored downfall 73
Chapter Four : Paradise Lost in the Horizon of Genesis 75
I. Logos and creation 75
II. Historical survey of the views of major philosophers 77
A. Plato 77
B. Augustine 82
III. Historical survey of the views of major theologians 85
IV. The unity of the cosmos in Paradise Lost 88
V. Logos and interpretation 91
Chapter Five : Paradise Lost in the Horizon of
Love and Wedlock 95
I. Milton’s idea of love 95
II. Milton’s idea of wedlock 105
A. The Protestant doctrine of wedlock 105
B. The Protestant practice of wedlock 107
C. Female subordination 109
Chapter Six : Rebellion and Obedience : the Voice
of Myself 113
I. Pride and humility 113
II. Satan as a heroic figure in the Romantic tradition 115
III. Satan’s rebellion 116
IV. A theological understanding of Satan’s history and destined
future:Satan as a thief, a murderer, a deceiver, and a liar 118
V. Rebellion and creation 121
VI. Rebellion and the original sin 124
VII. Rebellion and obedience: a binary opposition for man’s choice 126
A. In Psalms 1: the way of the righteous versus the way
of the wicked 127
B. In Galatians: the Spirit versus the flesh 128
C. In Romans: obeying or rebelling against conscience 130
D. In Matthew: two gates, two trees, and two houses 131
VIII. Rebellion and obedience: in the old creation and the new creation 132
A. Rebellion in the old creation 132
B. Obedience in the new creation 133
IX. Rebellion and obedience: in marriage and sexuality 136
X. Rebellion and obedience: in salvation 141
XI. A perspective of Romans: a linear thinking way concerning
obedience of faith 142
Conclusion : Understanding and Interpretation
on the Axis of the Word 145
I. The problem of method 145
II. Essential biblical doctrines of the major themes 148
A. The essential theology of creation within a personal Bible 148
B. The essential theology of love and marriage within
a personal Bible 151
C. The essential theology of salvation within a personal Bible 153
III. Free will: a choice between rebellion and obedience 153
Works Consulted 157
Appendix : Nietzsche and Jameson on
Temporality: On the Axis of the Word 165