STUDY 研究與創作

研究著作 Nietzsche and Jameson on Temporality: On the Axis of the Word

2010-09-06 / 文:Ahkue

Nietzsche and Jameson on Temporality: On the Axis of the Word

Abstract Paul Tseng
This paper is designed to make a synchronic and diachronic comparison between Nietzsches view of temporality and that of Fredric Jamesons. For few will dispute the fact that Nietzsche played the role of a turning point for postmodernism, and that
Jameson proved to be a master of postmodern theories. So it means a lot to compare these two theorists view of time as well as how their temporality makes influence on the writing and interpretation of texts, respectively. In addition, postmodernism has long assumed the attitude of deconstructing and subverting logocentrism, which, though, might well serve as an axis to re-examine the two masters temporality. The resulting insight is supposedly pioneering. In short, this study is briefly inclusive of Nietzsches eternal recurrence, nihilism, overman, his deconstruction of text combined with its significant impact on hermeneutics. Whats more, this paper also makes a distinctive survey of Jamesons signifiers deconstruction, nostalgia, and the breakdown of the signifying chain along with its influence upon writing. And logocentrism is indeed a maverick perspective of interpreting the two masters dialogue on postmodern temporality.

Key Words: Nietzsche; Fredric Jameson; Postmodernism; Deconstruction; Temporality; the Word.



摘要:本篇論文是就尼采及後現代理論大師詹明信的時間觀作列比研究;而因後現代理論的啟蒙實係由尼采伊始,探討這兩者的時間對話及其對文本書寫的影響確繞深意。而因後現代理論對勞高斯(Logos; the Word) 堅採解構態度,由勞高斯的角度來分析探討尼采及詹明信的後現代時間觀不諦是另一種向度的思考,甚具先驅性。本文涵蓋尼采的永恆循環、虛無主義、超人理論及其對語言書寫的解構思維、對詮釋學的影響等。本文亦提出詹明信的意符解構、懷舊、及其斷裂的時間觀對書寫所造成的影響。在兩位大師的對話中,本文亦提出了勞高斯作對彼等思維的另類思考取向。

關鍵字詞: 尼采; 詹明信; 後現代主義; 解構; 時間觀; 太初有道.
