STUDY 研究與創作
研究著作 《失樂園》新詮:背叛與順服
2010-09-06 / 文:曾貴祺
本文是在「勞高斯」(Logos)的主軸上,以舊約創世紀前三章作為讀者的視界,探討米爾頓「失樂園」中的主題:創造、婚姻、救贖及在救贖的主題上與舊約以賽亞書的文理交錯關係。在詮釋學的方法論上,是以海德格「存有與時間」(Being and Time)一書中「先期結構」的觀念,綜論失樂園第一卷書前26行在「失樂園」史詩中所鋪陳的主題意旨,透過讀者在Logos上的視界,在古今之間產生「視界的融合」。再則,「順服得生」的基督教基本精神儼為本文主旨;撒但的背叛與基督的順服是受造的人類以自由意志揀選自身命運時,可供參考的兩種典型。而在順服與榮耀之先,卻是命定的受苦。一個被神折服的生命是人類真正的祝福。
要字: 勞高斯、讀者的視界、米爾頓「失樂園」、詮釋學、視界的融合、順服得生
This paper aims to use Logos as an axis as well as the first three chapters of Genesis as a reader’s horizon to make a study of the major themes in Milton’s Paradise Lost -- creation, marriage, and salvation. In terms of a literary methodology, this paper uses Martin Heidegger’s conception of “pre-structure,”which is well explained in his Being and Time, to decipher the first twenty-six lines in Book I , which can serve as a controlling idea of the whole epic. In this way, a fusion of horizons between the author and the reader is thus undergone. In addition, obedience by faith, an essential creed of Christianity can serve as the main topic of this paper. Man, as a creature, can choose to follow Satan’s example to rebel against God. However, on the other hand, he can use his free will to obey God just like Christ did before. And it is pointed out that suffering as a destiny comes before obedience and glory, and that a man whose will is bent by God is indeed a blessing to his race.
Key words: logos, reader’s horizon, Milton’s Paradise Lost, hermeneutics, fusion of horizons, obedience by faith