STUDY 研究與創作
論文發表 11.Appendix : Nietzsche and Jameson on Temporality:on the Axis of the Word
2010-09-06 / 文:Ahkue

Appendix : Nietzsche and Jameson on Temporality:on the Axis of the Word
This paper is designed to make a synchronic and diachronic comparison between Nietzsche’s view of temporality and that of Fredric Jameson’s. For few will dispute the fact that Nietzsche played the role of a turning point for postmodernism, and that Jameson proved to be a master of postmodern theories. So it means a lot to compare these two theorists’ view of time as well as how their temporality makes influence on the writing and interpretation of texts, respectively. In addition, postmodernism has long assumed the attitude of deconstructing and subverting logocentrism, which, though, might well serve as an axis to re-examine the two masters’ temporality. The resulting insight is supposedly pioneering. In short, this study is briefly inclusive of Nietzsche’s eternal recurrence, nihilism, overman, his deconstruction of text combined with its significant impact on hermeneutics. What’s more, this paper also makes a distinctive survey of Jameson’s signifier’s deconstruction, nostalgia, and the breakdown of the signifying chain along with its influence upon writing. And logocentrism is indeed a maverick perspective of interpreting the two masters’ dialogue on postmodern temporality.
Key Words: Nietzsche; Fredric Jameson; Postmodernism; Deconstruction; Temporality; the Word.