藝術展演類 墨潮:瀛臺先賢書畫展 - 2

2016-09-01 / 文:Paul Tseng


That the arts of painting and calligraphy were rooted and prospered in Taiwan was deeply associated with the Han people’s management and administration in Taiwan. Zheng Chenggong (1624-1662) upheld the banner of fighting Qing dynasty and recovering Ming dynasty, building Tainan as a capital and initiating Han people’s administration of economy, politics, and culture in Taiwan. Ninging King Zhu Shu-gui (1617-1683) was the ninth generation grandchild of Mingtaizu, and was genealogically subordinated to Changya King. After Zheng Chenggong passed away, Zheng Jing brought him as well as his family to Taiwan. Zheng Chenggong had studied in the academic institution of Nanjing, and Zhu Shu-gui came from a royal background. So, the calligraphy of these two persons was characteristic of the era of late Ming dynasty. Besides Shen Guangwen, a literary expert, who was active in Shanhua as an old man during the period between late Ming dynasty and early Qing dynasty (commonly called “the starter of the Haidong historical documents, and he settled in Taiwan ten years earlier than Zheng Chenggong).


Minxi was a style of water ink painting in Taiwan of Qing dynasty. The main feature of this style was “crazy, open, and free.” Most of the scholars believed that Minxi had been influenced and formed by Huang Shen, a painter of Fujiang province. Lin Chao-ying, Zhuang Jingfu and Lin Jue could be said to be represent this style of painting in Taiwan of Qing dynasty. The style flourished during Qianlong years to Daoguang years. In terms of the stage of the cultivation and development of the art of Taiwanese calligraphy and paintings, their arts had shown forth the facets of literary men and secularization.

咸豐初年,謝琯樵(1811─1864),與呂世宜(1784─1859)、葉化成(1812─?) 於林本源家族在大嵙崁(大溪)時期受林本源家族之邀,前來講學,三人合稱「林家三先生」,謝琯樵後因公務至噶瑪蘭(宜蘭)會見通判楊承澤,可能與協助處理械鬥內亂有關。其中呂世宜為臺灣金石學導師,而謝琯樵與臺南關係最密切,三人前後為林家座上賓。

In the early years of the Xianfeng period, on the Da Kekan (Da Xi) stage of the Lin Benyuan family, Lv Shi-yi (1784-1859), Xie Guanqiao (1811-1864), and Ye Huacheng (1812--?) were invited to teach in Taiwan. So they used to be called “three gentlemen of the Lin family.” Afterwards, Xie Guanqiao was on an official business trip to Yilan to meet a local official Yang Chengze, perhaps for dealing with something related to rebellion and violent fighting. And t Lv Shi-yi was a mentor of Taiwanese epigraphy. And Xie Guanqiao was closely connected to Taiwan. Three of them had been sequentially prestigious guests of the Lin family.


Xie Guanqiao travelled to Tainan in the best years of Taiwan, that is, the seventh year of Xianfen (1857) with the main purpose of visiting Wu Shang Zhan’s “Autumn mountain building,” and “Bamboo mountain building” of Haidong College, and teaching there. In the eighth year of Xianfen, Taiwanese celebrities hosted a birthday party for Shi Shirong, the richest man in Tainan. At that time, Guanqiao wrote “Shixipu eighty birthday celebration plate,” so he was again invited by the Lin family to Banqiao, and then moved to the mountain residence of Mengja, and then temporality lived in Qian garden of Xingzu, and the Lin family of Wufen. Therefore, in terms of painting and calligraphy, he was influential all over Taiwan. However, unfortunately, he was recruited to the military camp of Wufen Lin Wenchai in the third year of Tongze (1864). He thus died in the battle field of Fujian Wansongguan when his army fought the peace army in December. According to Taiwan in Qing Dynasty by a Japanese scholar, “Among celebrities in Taiwan, Choukai is top in writing; Yang Xiecang is top in poetry; Lv Xichun is top in calligraphy; Xie Guanqiao is top in painting.” So, it can be seen that Xie Guanqiao’s contribution to Taiwanese painting and calligraphy is highly recognized and recommended.


The development of paintings and calligraphy in the early period of Taiwan was mainly propped up by mainland officials, officers, and visitors, most of whom were gentle and knowledgeable, and good at calligraphy. According to Good Words by Lian Heng, “Visiting officials of Qing dynasty were mostly good poetry and writing.” Among them, there were experts specializing in painting water ink four gentlemen, flower and bird, people, animals and the like.

官宦人士如:周 凱,任職福建興泉永道、臺灣道。楊開鼎,任巡臺監察御史,兼理學政。楊廷理,任臺灣南路海防兼理番同知、臺灣道按察使、臺灣知府。柯輅,任嘉義縣學訓導。孫爾準,曾巡閱臺灣,奏請增闢港口。胡國榮,任臺灣知縣等。
遊歷臺南者如:林 紓,於光緒中遊臺南府。吳 魯,三度遊臺,曾館於磚仔橋吳氏等。

Among them, officials: Zhou Kai, an official in Fujian and Taiwan. Yang Kaitin, in the positon of a watchdog official for Taiwan, and also involved in educational administration. Yang Tinli, in the position of an official for seaside safety, and a high-ranking official in the Taiwanese government. Ke Lo, working as a director in Jaiyi County. Sun Erzun, ever visiting and supervising Taiwan, and reporting to build a new harbor. Hu Kuojun, in the position of a magistrate in Taiwan.
Officers and celebrities such as: Lu Chikuan, in the eighteenth year of Daokuan, working in the military camp of Chen Molie safeguarding Taiwan. And Xie Guanqiao, one of the three gentlemen of the Lin family.
Travelers to Taiwan such as: Lin Yu, visiting Tainan during the years of Guangxu. Wu Lu, visiting Taiwan three times, staying at the residence of the Wu family in Zhuanzichiao.


Finger painting had been greatly promoted by Gao Qipei of Qing dynasty. The artistic creation of replacing pens with fingers is more or less a performance, and easily acceptable for the common people and literary men. And in terms of the living function and practicality of the painting materials, it can be called one type of public art, or an extended branch of pens and ink. For it is an application of the art of the literary men, it is grass-rooted, and enjoyed by all walks of society. Gan Guobao, born in Kutien of Fujian province in the 48th year of Kanxi (1709), and passed away in the 41st year of Qianlun (1776). Awarded a positon of a military officer in the years of Yongzhen, he had served as a commander in Taiwan, Fujian. With a background of a military officer, he enjoyed literature and ink, is good at finger painting, especially in drawing tigers.

Ye Wenchou, birthday unknown, died in the seventh year of Daokuan (1827). He was also called Chinfan or Yuxiang, born in Haicheng of Fujian province. With an official qualification of Juren in the years of Qianlong (1786), he had ever served as an instructor in Lienjiang, Jinjiang, and Jiayi County. He resided in Taijuan when he was old. He was good at finger painting, especially in drawing pine trees. Chen Banxian, also called Baoku or Zhongzi or Yiching, or Deching, was born in Xiamen of Fujian province. He earned a living by arts in Tainan during Qing dynasty, marrying a woman surnamed Ke and moving to Zhanghua. In the early years of Tongzi, he had been in Qian Garden in Xinzhu for the sake of art for months, and then recruited by Beikuo Garden, he taught art to students including Fan Yaoken. As to the background of three masters of Tainan, they had been a military officer, literary man, and painter, respectively. This turned out to be a wonderful episode in the history of art.


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