中國文學類 胡樸安Hu Pu-an全集文獻整理及研究

2016-09-01 / 文:Paul Tseng

本計畫為「胡樸安Hu Pu-an全集文獻整理及研究」之第二部份,繼「《胡樸安詩集》文獻整理及研究」而作。「胡樸安經部canon著述文獻整理及研究」計畫蒐集胡樸安散佚各處的大量經部著述,細加整理、打印、編排,期望尋求出版之機會,以保存民國初年知名學者胡樸安大量的文獻資料,提供南社研究及民國初年經學、社會、歷史研究重要的參考。目前已打印完成者有《易經》yijing 類七種,《詩經》shijing類四種,《尚書》Shangshu、《禮記》Liji、《論語》Lunyu、《孟子》Mengzi、《大學》Daxue 、《中庸》Zhongyong等九種,文字學philology著述十種,聲韻學著述二種,共計437,354字。後續將就已收集之胡氏經部著述,加以研究,期藉此更深入瞭解胡樸安之學術思想、經學成就,為民國學術史寫下重要的一頁。

胡樸安、經部著述canon writing、經學 canon study、南社South Society、民國經學家researcher of Mingkuo canons、民國文獻 Mingkuo documents

This project is the second part of “the arrangements and studies of the documents of Hu Pu-an Collection,” following “the arrangements and studies of the documents of the collection of Hu Pu-an’s poetry.” The project of “the arrangements and studies of the documents of Hu Pu-an’s writings about classical canons” collects a large amount of the writings about classical canons which Hu Pu-an had left everywhere. And then the collected documents are arranged, typed, printed in hopes of seeking an opportunity of being published in the future. In this way, the large amounts of the documents of Hu Pu-an, a well-known scholar in Mingkuo early years, can be preserved, serving as important references for the study of South Society as well as the studies of classical canons, society and history in the early years of Mingkuo. Currently, what has been typed and printed is as follows: seven kinds about Yijing, four kinds about Shijing, and nine kinds about Shanshu, Liji, Lunyu, Mengzi, Daxue, and Zhongyong, tens kinds about philology, and two kinds about phonology. Totally speaking, there are 437,354 words. In the future, I will study the collection of Mr. Hu’s writings about classical canons in the hopes of gaining a deeper understanding of Mr. Hu’s academic thoughts, achievements in the study of classical canons, adding an important page for the Mingkuo academic history.

Key Words:
Hu Pu-an, canon writing, canon study, South Society, researchers of Mingkuo canons, Mingkuo documents


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