中國文學類 論大自然轉化四律 ─ 以「O一二多」雙螺旋邏輯系統切入作考察

2016-09-01 / 文:Paul Tseng

論大自然轉化四律 ─ 以「O一二 多」雙螺旋邏輯系統切入作考察

摘 要:大自然萬事萬物層層「轉化」的雙螺旋運動,主要是以「秩序」(移位transposition)、「變化」(轉位displacement)、「聯貫」(對比、調和)與「統一」(包孕subsumption)之四大規律加以規範,形成龐大之「0一二多雙螺旋邏輯系統」的。本文即以此為軸心,先歸本於哲學層面,引用《周易》Zhouyi、《老子》Laozi之相關論述,探討大自然「轉化四律」與「0一二多雙螺旋邏輯系統」之融貫關係;再落於科學層面,舉「篇章」與「DNA」為實例作驗證,以概見「雙螺旋邏輯四律」(「0一二多」)在大自然萬事萬物進行層層「轉化」運動時所←激起各種創新動力的鍵軸bond axis作用。


On Four Laws of Transformation in Nature
--an Observation from the Perspective of “Zero, One, Two, Many” Double Spiral Logic System
Chen Man-ming retired professor of Chinese Department of National Taiwan Normal University

Abstract : All things and creatures in Nature “transform” the double spiral movement level by level, which is ruled by four major laws, that is, “order” (transposition), “change”(displacement), “connection” (contrast, mingling), and “unity”(subsumption), then forming a vast “zero, one, two, many double spiral logic system.” Based on this, this article first refers to the philosophical aspect, applying the theses related to Zhouyi and Laozi to research the connection between the “four transformation laws” in Nature and “zero, one, two, many double spiral logic system.” Furthermore, this article discusses the scientific aspect, applying the real examples in “composition” and “DNA” to manifest the bond axis function of innovation when “four logic laws of double spiral”(zero, one, two, many) engage in the “transformation” movement amid all things and creatures in Nature.

Key Words: Nature, four transformation laws, “zero, one, two, many”double spiral logic system, innovation, bond axis function


摘 要:「陰陽包孕」,大體可分「陰陽不分」與「分陰分陽」兩層。以「陰陽不分」而言,指「無極without utmost point、道word(無)」、「太極Taichi、一(有之始)」之初始階段;以「分陰分陽」來看,指「兩儀Liangyi……、二……」的後續階段。而兩者不斷地起動「雙螺旋」作用,使得宇宙創生、轉化的過程,產生無限「層次」,以形成層層「0一(陰陽不分)二多(分陰分陽)」之雙螺旋邏輯系統。由此可見「陰陽包孕」在「0一二多」雙螺旋邏輯系統中所造成「層次」的重要作用;而這種作用,在知識創新上來說,是不可或缺的。


On “Yingyang Subsumption” and “Zero, One, Two, Many” Double Spiral Logic System

Abstract: Overall speaking, “Yingyang subsumption” can be divided into “non-separation between Ying and Yang,” and “separation between Ying and Yang.” In terms of “non-separation between Ying and Yang,” it refers to the initial stage of “Wuchi, Dao (nothing)” and “Taichi, oneness (beginning of creation).” And in terms of “separation between Ying and Yang,” it refers to the following step of “Liangyi…, two….” And these two things incessantly engage in the “double spiral”function,”leading to the creation and transformation of the universe. This process produces infinite “levels” to form the double spiral logic system of “zero, one (non-separation between Ying and Yang); two, many (separation between Ying and Yang).” Judging from this, we can see “Ying Yang subsumption” plays a vital part in creating “levels” of the “zero, one, two, many” double spiral logic system. And this function is extremely necessary in the innovation of knowledge.

Key Words: Yingyang subsumption, logic level, “zero, one, two, many”double spiral logic system, knowledge innovation


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