阿貴出版專區 Heidegger’s and Gadamer’s Hermeneutic Theories
2025-01-24 / 文:Paul Tseng

Heidegger’s and Gadamer’s Hermeneutic Theories
This new book entitled "Heideggers and Gadamers Hermeneutic Theories and Their Application to Biblical and Secular Texts" incorporates four chapters previously published in " Hermeneutic Philosophy and Its Application," (published by Rainbow Bookstore at Taipei in 2023) four chapters originally published in Dialogo Journal, and four fresh ones. The four chapters in "Hermeneutic philosophy and Its Application" are as follows: "Heideggers Hermeneutic Philosophy in Being and Time," (pp.25-34) "Gadamers Hermeneutic Philosophy in Truth and Method," (pp.37-47) " Hermeneutic Application in Biblical Exegesis: A Theological Reflection of "Being" in the Book of Ecclesiastes," (pp.59-65) and "Hermeneutical Application in Biblical Exegesis--An Introductory Exploration of Pauline Epistles."(pp.69-77) And the four chapters previously published in Dialogo Journal dated from 2021 to 2024 are listed below: "A Contemporary Consideration of Introductory Hermeneutics,"(DIALOGO JOURNAL 11 : 1 (2024), 53 - 70) " Conquest of Mythos by Logos," (DIALOGO JOURNAL 10 : 2 (2024) 23 - 34 ) " The Metaphysics of Globalization in Gadamer: A Case Study of Contemporary Taiwan," (DIALOGO JOURNAL 10 : 1 (2023) 103-111) and "The Boundary of Artificial Intelligence in Forensic Science References Bibliography."(DIALOGO JOURNAL 10 : 1 (2023) 49 - 60) Actually, from 2021 to 2024, I also published four other additional articles in Dialogo Journal:" The Theological Importance of Prof. Uwes Christian Poems," (DIALOGO JOURNAL 8 : 1 (2021) 33 - 39) " The Literary Mind of" Being " : Healing Power in The Prelude.," (DIALOGO JOURNAL 9 : 1 (2022) 25 - 33)" A Historical Significance of Ancient Migration in Psalms," (DIALOGO JOURNAL 9 : 2 (2023) 187 - 195) and" A Healthy Perspective of Time in the Book of Ecclesiastes." (DIALOGO JOURNAL 8: 2 (2022) 186- 192) A total of eight articles published in Dialogo Journal serve as a series of studies on hermeneutic theories and its application. The axis is on the art of interpretation of the Word and its application to biblical and secular texts. Since Dialogo Journal is a recognized international journal, which focuses on the dialogue between theology and science, my hermeneutic studies are essentially in their domain of research interests. My academic studies are a consistent and serial research closely associated with theology, so the journal accepts me as a study companion from 2021 until now.
The introduction and database ofDialogo Journal are quoted as follows:
DIALOGOJournal is an international, open-access, peer-reviewed, online that welcomes the submission of manuscripts meetinq the qeneral criteria of significance and scientific preeminence in all areas of any discussions between science and theology. It is published bi-annually by Dialogo Publishing House, each June & December.DialogoSerial is a premier resource for in簫depth research and analysis to keep pace with the current developments and an authentic forum for high-quality scholarly articles to effectively communicate these developments to practitioners actively engaged in research on topics of interest. It provides rapid publication of manuscripts in virtually all fields of human research with specific endeavors on bridging sciences in dialogue with theologies.
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Subject Areas of interest:
- Religion & Theology
- Philosophy