私立實踐大學推廣部及淡江大學推廣部Kaplan Course 主任 (負責教務行政工作)1997
博麥移民公司 英文祕書負責留學業務
文鶴出版社英文編輯 (有負責編輯大一英文教材的經歷)1998
阿貴翻譯編輯個人工作室負責人siince 1998 to present
國立空中大學空中行專兼任英文講師 (並參與空大以及空專學訊補充教材撰寫之工作)(十年) 教授大一英文及進階英文文選閱讀(空大兼任講師擔任面授及視訊教學)1997-2009
致理技術學院應用英文系兼任英文講師教授翻譯、新聞英語及文法 (五年)2001-2005
虹源翻譯公司特約譯師 (兩年) 2003-2005
國立台北護理學院兼任講師 2005-2009
國立高雄師範大學兼任講師 2006-2007
科見美語總裁顧問 (負責教材教法及教材編譯)2007-2009
於台灣師大、陽明大學、台北商業技術學院 等兼課,教授進階翻譯、英語寫作、英詩與散文、文法、新聞英語、閱讀等專長科目 (兼任助理教授) 2009-2010
萬卷樓圖書公司股東專事漢文英譯 2009-2010
政大外語學院翻譯中心特約譯者 2011
空中大學 台北護理健康大學 東南科技大學兼任助理教授 2011-2015
台北國立科技大學兼任助理教授 2015
台北科技大學電機研究所兼任助理教授 科技論文
關於阿貴 - 履經歷一覽
私立東吳大學英文系畢業 (1987年畢)
國立台灣師範大學英語所碩士 (1993 畢)
國立高雄師範大學英語所博士 (2009畢)
國家教育研究院整合型研究計畫 子計畫 - 香港義務教育制度及制度研究協同主持人
東華新世紀英文文法法(東華書局出版)合著 2002
新聞英語開門( 文鶴書局出版)合著 2003
東華新世紀全民英檢初級字彙篇 (東華書局出版)合著 2004
虹橋全民英檢初級及中級閱讀讀本(虹橋書局出版)合著 2005
美語怎麼說 (科見美語出版) 2008
翻譯式英文作文練習(虹橋書局出版)合著 2008
Song of Salvation (A Collection of my English poetry) 2008
Major Themes in Milton’s Paradise Lost (專書虹橋書局出版)2008
東華多功能實用文法 (東華書局出版)2009
新聞英語入門 (東華書局出版)2010
英譯陳滿銘教授篇章結構學 (國立編譯館與萬卷樓合出) 2010
翻譯式英文作文練習高級本(虹橋書局出版)合著 2010
2010年8月出席在土耳其安卡拉舉行的ISSEI (International Soceity for the Study of Eurpean Idea) 發表論文 Nietzsche and Jameson on Temporality: On the Axis of the Word從神學的角度初探尼采和詹明信的後現代時間觀 (主辦之The European Legacy 曾獲評為全美前十大學術期刊)
Nietzsche and Jameson on Temporality: On the Axis of the Word
(空大人文學報第十三期) 學術論文 93.12 致理學報 92.11
Hermeneutics: An Introduction into the Origin, the Hermeneutical Circle, the Application, and Metacriticism
(空大人文學報第十四期) 學術論文 94. 12
Paradise Lost: Fore-structure, Structure, and (Destrcuture)
國立高雄師範大學96年TELL C 國際學術研討會
空中大學人文學報第十六期 96. 12
Philosophical Thinking in The French Lieutenant’s Woman
陸軍官校84週年外文系學術研討會 97.
Translation Applied in Specific Fields: Nursing English
International Conference on English Education (實踐大學 2008)
失樂園新詮: 背叛與順服 (forthcoming)
西洋古典暨中世紀文化學程 研討會 (2010)
Lesson Study Guides 的補充說明: Chap. 48-Chap. 54 空大學訊 90.01
Lesson Study Guides 的補充說明: Chap. 40-Chap. 47 空大學訊 89.12
Lesson Study Guides 的補充說明: Chap. 29-Chap. 39 空大學訊 89.12
Lesson Study Guides 的補充說明: Chap 1-Chap. 14 空大學訊 89.11
Jacob (Chi-Ming) Chen
PhD, Department of Industrial Technology, Iowa State University
(Dissertation: In-process tool wear prediction system development in end milling operations)
Working Experience
Teaching Assistant (lab instructor of the following courses at Iowa State University)
Manufacturing Design
Cellular Lean Manufacturing Systems
Instructor (as the lecturer of the following courses at Iowa State University):
Manufacturing Design
Advanced Technical Graphics
Cellular Lean Manufacturing Systems
Advanced Automated Manufacturing Processes
Post-Doc and Project Manager of the NSF ATE Project: titled “Competitive Manufacturing by Design.”
Examples of Publications as the first author
A Multiple-Regression Model for Monitoring Tool Wear with a Dynamometer in Milling Operations. Journal of Technology Studies, 2004 - ERIC
An Artificial-Neural-Networks-Based in-Process Tool Wear Prediction System in Milling Operations. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2005
Testing a New Approach for Learning Teamwork Knowledge and Skills in Technical Education. Journal of Industrial Technology. 2004
Judy Huang (黃玨瑛)
Degree & Working Experience
Judy Huang (黃玨瑛) graduated from English Department at Catholic Fu-jen University. As an English professional, she has been devoted to many fields of practical English for decades. In the recent decade, she has been helping St. Paul Workshop of Editing and Translation with professional translation and editing English textbooks for college campus.
She is also entrusted to represent the workshop to handle the business affairs of 518 website outsourcing (518外包網). In addition to academic English, she is also very capable of handling a variety kinds of social and business English.
David S. Roberts (羅大衛)
Nationality: American
Marital Status: Married with ARC card
American TESOL Certification 2011-2012
Stone Academy, Hamden, CT, USA 2003-2007
Court Reporting Student(法院書記英抄訓練學員)
High Honors
Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, CT, USA 2001
Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree(康州大學戲劇系學士)
Horace C. Wilcox Regional Vocational Technical High School Graduate
Meriden, CT, USA
Teaching English to children and adults
Editing writing
Giraffe English School (Part-time because of Chinese class) Mar. 2016 to June 2016
Sesame Street English June 2015 to Feb. 2016
Eva’s Cram school Jan. 2012 to June 2013
Teaching adult English in Township college 2008-2009
English Teacher in Gram English School 2008-2015
Private tutor for adults and high school students 2008-2016
Editor for theses
Performed in theatrical productions, including The Crucible, Comedy of Errors, and The Rapture of Three Fingers.
Stone Academy, Hamden, CT 2004-2006
Student Worker